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Combining Work And Pleasure – Coffees With Your Students In English

Keep students coming back to your school

In a previous blog, I mentioned that we had introduced the concept of 'Coffee in English' at our school. Once or twice a week, one of our teachers takes a group out for coffee. They sit down with them and have a chat. The students get used to practicing their English in an informal environment and they become more confident in using their English in a real-life situation.

You can utilize these sessions for your benefit too. Make it a weekly event. Promote it on your Facebook page. Remind groups by email or sms. Talk it up when you see them. Stress that it's a fantastic way for them to improve their English. Take a photo of the students around a table drinking cappuccinos and post it to your page. Tag your students. They love seeing these photos and will always comment. By doing all these things, you're spreading word about your school. The students will definitely let their friends know about this. It's fun and not as full-on as what a class taught in the Callan Method might be to them. Few, if any, other language schools do this kind of thing.

Present it as a benefit for your school

Students see this as a great addition to their course. Mention it in your course offer. When you add more things to your offer, the students feel like they're getting more bang for their buck. You could even justifiably charge more for your courses as so much stuff is included in the price. Trial lessons, consultations, CASA, Coffees in English – all of this puts you ahead of your competition. At your school, besides just teaching the brilliant Callan Method, the students get all of this other stuff for free. Why would they choose another?

Want to have a well-organized school
and happy students?

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Check out our CRM4Callan, a cloud-based software that helps you keep all your data in one place and enables you to ​access it from any place in the world!

Bond with your students

People don't make decisions just using their head. A lot of decisions get made by the heart. If a student feels comfortable at your school, feels that their needs are being met, that you genuinely care about their improvement – it's a done deal. If they're having fun, that's the most important thing in keeping them there. 'Coffees in English' let the students get to know their teachers better. They become attached to them and the other students. It makes them want to stay at your school for longer because, if they leave, they'll miss the social aspect of learning English at your school.

A lot of our groups have bonded over these Coffee in English events, and I've seen many instances of the students persuading others to stay – just to maintain the same group throughout the year. For example, if one wants to leave at the end of the month (due to overwhelming work obligations or family issues), the others don't want to see them leave and try to convince them to stay. And it has succeeded many a time. It's amazing just how much these students have bonded with each other – all thanks to a few social meetings. Avoid letting your students go through a month of English lessons at your school without knowing their fellow students' names. The more personal their whole experience with your school is, the longer they will stay with you.

Take advantage of this! Don't let your school be a place where students come in, sit through their lesson, and then just leave. Build a bond with them and try to make them build a bond with each other. They'll have something to talk about with their friends and coworkers – and that's free publicity! Next time they're sitting at a coffee shop with their friends, they'll be reminded of the time they were sitting with their English group and chatting in English. You'll see many more new students coming through your doors once you implement something like 'Coffee in English'.

7th September 2018

Keep your students up to date with payments – subtly, non-aggressively and consistently

As a Callan Method school, we charge our students on a month-to-month basis. After their free trial lessons, they should start paying for the following four weeks of classes. A lot of them pay on time, of course, but there are also quite a few situations in which we have to bend the rules a bit. Maybe they’re getting paid in 10 days’ time and ask you if they could start now but pay for their classes then. “Absolutely. Not an issue at all.“
The problem arises when you have dozens of these types of students and have to keep track of which student has paid when. When is their next installment due? Which period have they paid for? If you’re like me, you keep this all in a spreadsheet. A list of students, their start date, date of payment, a different sheet for each time period. I would check every day or so to see who is late with payments, constantly double-checking the time period over the last few months to see if I’ve messed something up.

Sometimes, a few weeks has gone past before I realise that someone hasn’t paid but is regularly attending their lessons. That’s where the situation gets a bit tricky. I would feel awkward coming up to them after class, especially if there were others around them. If I called them into my office, it would make the issue seem so serious. We have such a friendly relationship with our students that I dreaded when I had to remind someone to pay. That awkward moment when…

School management system CRM4CALLAN
– a program that keeps track of all of that automatically

Then we switched to CRM4CALLAN – a program that keeps track of all of that automatically. Now when a student signs up, I add them to the system right there and then. Because it’s specifically designed for Callan schools, it knows exactly what to do. Students are assigned to a group. Their start date is automatically logged. Their following one-month period is logged. Each payment is entered into the system. When somebody is late for a payment, the system notifies me. It gives me a week’s leeway (just in case they’re just about to pay), but after that week, I get a list of unpaid lessons and who owes what. I just press the COPY EMAILS button and send out a nicely-worded message to everyone to remind them to pay. Simple, efficient and reliable.
Now I don’t have to manually keep track of payment dates and payment periods. I’ve been saving so much time and nerves, it’s unbelievable. I don’t feel stressed about unpaid bills anymore. I have more time to focus on making my students happier at school.

Want to have well organized school
and happy students?

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Check out our CRM4 Callan, a cloud based software that helps you keep all your data in one place and reach for it from any place in the world!

So what do I do with my free time? ‘Coffee in English’

Now that I’m not worrying about missed payments anymore, we’ve introduced ‘Coffee in English’, which is a great way to get to know your students and get them practising English in an informal environment. We do this about once or twice a week with a different group each time. After their lesson, we go to a nearby coffee shop and just chat. Chat about the weather, chat about their lives, our lives, learning English, whatever. We usually get a different teacher to go each time so it’s interesting for the students. Here, with a cappucino in hand, they’re less stressed about speaking perfect English. We don’t correct them like we do in a Callan class. We let them make mistakes. It’s just important for them to have practise in a not-so-structured environment. They need to be free to express themselves and feel confident making small talk with others.

The option of, technically, a free class with an English teacher, adds to our offer. We put it up as part of what they get for their money. Costing us nothing, except maybe paying our teacher for that hour, this event leaves a great impression on our students. They use the English they’ve learnt in class and implement it in a regular, real life situation. Essentially, you’re proving to them that the Callan Method works.
We’ve found that these ‘Coffee in English’ sessions have proved very successful. We take photos of the students and post them to our Facebook page. This way we get a lot of likes and comments. They have more of a reason to tell their friends and family about the school. It’s something new and not so common at other language schools. People start looking at your school not only as an educational institution, but also as a place to hang out and meet new people. The students love it! Try it out and take note of the difference it makes.

Tip: If your classes are really late in the evening, go out for a beer! Why not?

Ema Barbir 

Head teacher of Inicijativa school in Split, Croatia

While you are here..

Have you taken a look  at some of the great features of the
CRM4Callan school and office management system?
It can cut your school admin process by 30%, retain students and do away with all your messy paper charts. Take a look at the video below.
6th September 2018

Why it’s important to track your students’ progress – How individual consultations can benefit your school

Track student progress

It might seem impossible to track how all your students are doing in their English lessons. In reality, some students are weaker, some are just not understanding what is required of them, some feel overwhelmed by the method. It is your job as a school owner to make sure that everyone is satisfied. After all, your livelihood depends on it.

If your students are progressing, they’ll be happy. And if they’re happy, they’ll continue buying the product you are offering them – in this case, English lessons. At our school, for example, we offer free consultations to our existing students. It is all calculated into the overall price of their lessons, but in effect, it is free for them.

So, for example: a student is feeling a bit like they can’t keep up with the class, or they have some additional questions they might not be able to bring up during the lesson – they can arrange a consultation with you or one of the teachers to discuss the issue. This service makes them feel appreciated. They’ll feel good when they get the information they require. The one-on-one attention they get from these consultations really makes a difference. And it doesn’t cost you much time or money at all.

A consultation only needs to last about half an hour, and not all of your students are going to use this. In our experience, only a few ever do, but it’s a great thing to put on your offer and it also proves to them that they’ll get more bang for their buck. You can limit these free consultations to once a month or once per stage.

Want to have well-organized school
and happy students?

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Check out our CRM4Callan, a cloud-based software that helps you keep all your data in one place and reach for it from any place in the world!

How do I know if my students are doing well?

As an owner, you’re probably not teaching all the classes and you probably don’t have first-hand knowledge of how everyone is doing in class. To get on top of this, we use a program called CRM4CALLAN to track everything about our students. In the program, teachers quickly mark off how each student has done after every class. If they performed well, they get a plus sign; if they performed badly, they get a minus sign. The students don’t get to see this, it’s just available for you to see.

If a particular student has been performing badly for a couple of lessons in a row, we get a notification warning us about this. We can then nip the problem in the bud before it gets out of hand. We can proactively approach the student for a consultation and discuss what might be causing the issue. You can then see if they feel like they can’t keep up and maybe suggest some individual lessons to catch up, or get them to repeat the stage if necessary. By identifying the problem, offering a consultation and talking to them in a friendly manner, the student really feels like the school has gone above and beyond what regular language schools are expected to do. You have found a solution to something that has been bothering them, they just didn’t know how to ask for help.

If the student had remained in the class without any additional help, they would drag the group down a bit and maybe get on the nerves of other students. The content would just get more and more difficult for them to follow. They would soon leave your school with a negative experience and tell their friends and family that it was useless and they didn’t learn a thing. Now that’s something to be avoided at all costs! Bad publicity travels far and wide.

For a language school to be a success, you need to be sure you offer good customer service. So make sure you stay on top of everything at your school. The most important thing is to keep your students happy. They are the ones spreading the news about your school. They are the ones with first-hand experience. If they are really happy with your school, they’ll be more than excited to let everyone they come across know about it.

While you are here..

Have you taken a look  at some of the great features of the
CRM4Callan school and office management system?
It can cut your school admin process by 30%, retain students and do away with all your messy paper charts. Take a look at the video below.
28th August 2018

What a difference a cookie makes! – Make your school a lounge area in between classes

All of us – as school owners – are trying to make our school as comfortable and relaxed for our students as possible. Feeling comfortable means that students will learn better and feel less stressed.

Often, these kinds of ideas remain just that – ideas. It takes an extra effort for it to become a realization.

Bruce Lee once said: Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

So, back to my point – we have all been to a particular bar that serves small snacks with your drink. Sometimes we go there just because we get those delicious complimentary snacks. Of course, our students will not come to lessons just because we offer them a few cookies, but they will feel welcomed and treated right. And it really makes a difference.

Want to have well organized school
and happy students?

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Check out our CRM4 Callan, a cloud based software that helps you keep all your data in one place and reach for it from any place in the world!

With this in mind, take the following steps:

  • Make sure you know your students well – do you teach mostly adults or mostly kids?
  • Pick your weekly budget for various treats, but be careful to ensure that your students will enjoy what you are offering them. If your students are adults, don’t just offer candies.
  • Pick your treats. It can be a box of cookies, salty snacks or fresh or dried fruit – you get the picture.
  • Very important – don’t forget to organize a small coffee or tea area with cups for students.
  • Pick a day for shopping (Monday is the best so you have snacks for the whole week).
  • Delegate that special shopping task to somebody and stick to it. Make it a routine.
  • Make sure you buy some nice serving plates.
  • Do not forget music! You can program your computer to start playing music between classes. You can use music instead of a bell.
  • Make sure your school smells great. Everybody likes clean classrooms.
  • Special treats are allowed at the beginning or after finishing a stage

All of these things help present your school in a good light. And don’t forget to treat yourself as well. You deserve it! That’s it for today, folks!

6th August 2018